


スピリチュアルカウンセラー ミチヨ






My name is Michiyo, a Japanese spiritual counsellor, healer, author and speaker on internet live broadcasting.  

When I was a child, I felt really odd about myself. Despite being treated as an ordinary child, I saw things much more clearly than the other children around me, I saw things that others couldn't see. Thus, I was feeling all alone because I knew that no one could understand. I even tried to ignore my ability and stay “normal”.  

At the beginning, I never thought of becoming a spiritual counsellor. However, I was led down this path, whilst lots of people have come to see me for help and advice which I did without noticing that I was practicing psychic reading. Now I understand that this is the right course for me.  

With over a decade of experience, I have read for thousands of people and got to the core issues causing problems in their daily lives and healed the wounds deep within using my spiritual insight. I describe what I do to clients as “talking with the soul”. Soul, vibrations, frequency, different dimensional worlds are invisible, but in fact, always there - ENERGY, that is what I can feel and what I deal with. I liken myself to “Soul Doctor”.  

Now I would like to share the understanding that I have gained from the energetic fields: use your spirituality to remember what you really are and be yourself, and enjoy your own life with happiness, love and gratitude. Every single one of us not only has a purpose to be, but also has an extraordinary power to change and fulfill their own lives. Embrace what you have, that shall lead you to your own spiritual path.  

Seeing things metaphysically, I help people deal with the struggles and issues they face every day in the field of work, relationships, family, money, mental and physical illnesses, and more. I can help with any kind of problem.  

What I have acknowledged throughout my work is “living as yourself helps and gives love to others”. I know beyond doubt that this is the way to enlighten our souls and help ourselves progress. And it also helps us recognise we are all ONE. I invite you to experience a brighter world with love and joy. 



https://angelswayhealing.com/session    YouTube:Synchronicity Channel


counseling theory

みちよのカウンセリング理論 ※現在個人セッションは行っておりません








